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Web3 is the
Future of Internet

However, it is complex & understood by few

Barely 1% of Web2 consumers are on Web3 today. While interest is broad, participation remains limited to a few crypto and blockchain savvy consumers.

Participation in Web3 is often complicated, even opaque. Consumers need to navigate currency restrictions, blockchain and technology interoperability to mint and trade NFTs– not to mention the complexity of transactions across various blockchains and Metaverses.


The world needs simple, secure solutions to accelerate the adoption and growth of Web3.

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A platform that simplifies the complexities of cross-currency, cross-chain payments, blockchain infrastructure, to enable anybody and everybody to create, buy, and sell NFTs in any currency, be it USD, INR, ETH, MATIC, SOL, BTC, MANA, or any other.


That's FireDrop.


Simplify Access to Web3 for a Billion People


FireDrop started at Cre8lab, a diverse community of entrepreneurs who envision and create great companies. FireDrop’s founding team members reside IRL in Silicon Valley, New York, Tel Aviv and Estonia. What we today know as the Web3 is evolving, and we aspire to help define it.

Meet the team

FireDrop is created by Cre8Lab and it's a global community of 100 serial entrepreneurs (G-100) together building world changing Web3 companies.

Learn more >>>>>



Andrus Raudsalu


CEO, Postimees Grupp

CEO Nukufilm, Co-Founder Pult, Co-Founder NewsPin, Founder & CEO PosterBee, CEO Delfi Group


Kim Polese

Member of Technology Council

Chairman,, Faculty Universoty of California, Berkeley,

Founder & CEO, Marimba, Founding team Java, Sun Microsystems


Sunil Singh

Chairman, Technology Council

CTO, Global Logic, President Informance International , Faculty, Dartmouth college


Alari Truuts

Director, Technology

CEO, SafeGo, Head Architecht, Postimees Group


Robert Wolcott

Chief Strategy Officer

Founder & CEO, TWIN GLobal, Faculty Kellogg School of Management & Booth School of Business


Helen Lohmus

Director, Design

Producer Oree Films, Creative Partner, Etre Studios, CEO Studio One

FireDrop is ideated and created by Cre8Lab, a global community of serial entrepreneurs creating Web3 companies.

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